Species |
Age |
Size & Price per plant -- at 1000 rate |
6-12" |
12-18" |
18-24" |
Alder, Green |
Alnus viridis |
1-0 |
$0.96 |
$1.24 |
$1.58 |
Alder, Hazel |
Alnus serrulata |
(n/a 2025) |
$0.89 |
$1.17 |
$1.53 |
Alder, Speckled |
Alnus rugosa |
1-0 |
$0.92 |
$1.22 |
$1.59 |
Apple, Domestic |
Malus domestica |
1-0 |
$0.79 |
$1.01 |
$1.22 |
Buckeye, Red |
Aesculus pavia |
2-0 |
$1.27 |
$1.71 |
Cherry, Common Choke |
Prunus virginiana |
1-0, 2-0 |
$0.62 |
$0.82 |
$1.04 |
Cherry, Nanking |
Prunus tomentosa |
1-0 |
$1.23 |
$1.38 |
$1.58 |
Cherry, Pin |
Prunus pennsylvanica |
1-0 |
$0.88 |
$1.06 |
Crabapple, American |
Malus coronaria |
1-0 |
$1.17 |
$1.38 |
$1.65 |
Crabapple, Dolgo |
Malus x 'Dolgo' |
(n/a 2025) |
$0.89 |
$1.08 |
$1.32 |
Crabapple, Prairie |
Malus ioensis |
(n/a 2025) |
$0.97 |
$1.10 |
$1.34 |
Crabapple, Roselow Sarg. |
Malus sargentii 'Roselow' |
1-0, 2-0 |
$0.59 |
$0.79 |
$1.03 |
Dogwood, Pagoda |
Cornus alternifolia |
1-0 |
$0.79 |
$1.05 |
$1.26 |
Dogwood, White flowering |
Cornus florida |
1-0, 2-0 * |
$0.77 |
$0.94 |
$1.10 |
Hawthorn, Washington |
Crataegus phaenopyrum |
1-0 |
$0.70 |
$0.89 |
$1.11 |
Hop Tree |
Ptelea trifoliata |
2-0 |
$0.90 |
$1.09 |
$1.27 |
Hophornbeam, Eastern |
Ostrya virginiana |
1-0 |
$1.09 |
$1.33 |
$1.62 |
Lilac, Japanese Tree |
Syringa reticulata |
1-0 |
$0.75 |
$0.94 |
$1.18 |
Maple, Amur - Flame |
Acer ginnala, 'Flame' |
1-0, 2-0 |
$0.51 |
$0.69 |
$0.92 |
Maple, Mountain |
Acer spicatum |
1-0, 2-0 |
$1.01 |
$1.20 |
$1.51 |
Maple, Striped |
Acer pennsylvanicum |
1-0, 2-0 |
$1.04 |
$1.24 |
$1.55 |
Mountain Ash, American |
Sorbus americana |
2-0 |
$0.90 |
$1.08 |
$1.30 |
Pricing Calculations: |
For orders less than 500 per size, use the following calculations: (500 earns 1000 rate) |
For example; 500 or more 6-12” White Oak cost $.63/each |
Order in bundle quantities of 25 for the above sized plants. |
250-475 rate = 1000 price * 1.25 |
250 White Oak cost .63 * 1.25 = $ .79/plant |
100-225 rate = 1000 price * 1.5 |
100 White Oak cost .63 * 1.5 = $.95/plant, or $95.00 for 100 |
25 - 75 rate = 1000 rate * 2.5 |
25 White Oak cost .63 * 2.5 = $1.58/plant, or $39.50 for 25 |